Saturday, January 12, 2013

Reflection & Projection

Over the course of the semester, I learned a lot about myself and my approach to creativity. I realized that more often than not, I will create a piece of artwork because I can't get something off of my mind. This may seem like an obvious chain of events, but I feel it has sometimes hindered my creativity rather than helped it along. Being able to separate my emotions and thoughts from my artistic interests has been an invaluable lesson for me. Realizing that things I need to address in my own life don't necessarily need to be actualized through a creative outlet, but might be better suited for other means of psychological analysis is important. I think making art to help one through a life situation is wonderful, and is in fact the reason I pursued art so long. But for IP, I let my need for that outlet prevent me from creating what I really wanted to make. In the end I wound up limiting myself from all of the tools I was craving. This year, I am turning over a new leaf in my IP. I am taking the advice from my review and putting my best foot forward. What resonated with me the most from the feedback I received was to ask myself how I will approach my project having lifted all limitations. After reflecting on this all of break, I've come to the conclusion that the limitations will present themselves as I go along. I will have to make sound and sculpture act as one, work within a repertoire of sounds and voices, and tie everything in with contextual relevance. the difference now is that these limitations are natural, whereas before I was boxing myself in with the materials I had forced myself to comply with. This year I am free, and excited to face each new challenge as it presents itself.

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