Thursday, November 1, 2012


This week was devoted mostly to aesthetics. I built the skeleton for my sculpture (I apologize for forgetting to take pictures!) and made sketches for various options I'm exploring for its completion. After my crit, I started to think more seriously about the connection between the sculptures and the sound, and I think the connections will become more apparent as the piece progresses. I spent some time writing my grant proposal as well, which was helpful in honing in on what makes my work compelling to an audience. This week I realized how important imagery is going to be in all aspects of my project. I think that the imagery from the sound and the imagery in the sculpture don't need to be a perfect match, but they need to correlate in some way that makes sense to the viewer, even subconsciously. For next week, I am gathering the rest of the interviews to finish the first sound piece. I also hope to finish basic construction of my first sculpture and prime.

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